May 2, 2024



At IgNation we want to offer opportunities to put our hands to the service of others. We call these days “Service Days” The next Service Day will Take place on Saturday May 11th during the morning, 9am to 11:00 am. We will be going to Falaise St. Jaques to clean the park from litter. Bring gloves. 

This activity is open to everyone, so if parents and/or friends of the participants want to come they are more than welcome. We just need them to register so we know who is coming. If that is the case, when registering just click on “I’m a friend or relative” in the level section.  


To register: CLICK HERE



Pasta with Tomato Sauce

Confession and Anointing

Today we start going deeper into our faith and the desire to know God personally. After this point, we will be using a new series to talk about the topics, and they will be considered preparation for sacraments for those who will receive them.

The questions we will be asking are: 

  • How does the Sacrament of Reconciliation help us to grow closer to God?
  • What are some common misconceptions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
  • How has the Sacrament of Reconciliation impacted your spiritual life?
  • What are some challenges you have faced in participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation or going to receive the sacrament more often?
  • Have you or a loved one ever received this Sacrament? If so, what was your experience of it or of witnessing it?
  • Why do you think Jesus wanted us to know that he was a healer and was concerned with healing the sick?
  • What message does this send to us today?
  • Who would you want to have with you in your final moments? Why?
  • In what way does the Church, through the Anointing of the Sick, try to equip and strengthen us to face serious illness?
  • How does the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick bring us closer to Jesus?


Confession and Anointing

Today we start going deeper into our faith and the desire to know God personally. After this point, we will be using a new series to talk about the topics, and they will be considered preparation for sacraments for those who will receive them.

The questions we will be asking are: 

  • Father talks about the need for rules in sports. What are some other places where rules protect and promote our freedom?
  • How can the rules that God gives us promote greater freedom and a fuller life?
  • Why do you think the first three of the Ten Commandments are about our relationship with God ?
  • Name as many commandments as you can in your own words.
  • Father speaks about how rules help us to achieve our goals. How do the commandments help us to achieve the goal of life, which is heaven?
  • Have you ever known someone who received the Anointing of the Sick? Share your experience. If not, what were some of your impressions of the sacrament as depicted in the video?
  • What are some examples of appropriate times to call a priest for the Anointing of the Sick?
  • Even without a physical healing , what are some ways the Anointing of the Sick may help someone who is in danger of despair or is losing hope because of their illness?Anointing of the Sick gives spiritual strength and hope.


Every week, group members accept a personal challenge to apply what was discussed to their day-to-day lives.

This week: Talk About It! Take a poll in school this week. First, ask students if they can name all of the Ten Commandments. Second, ask them which Commandment they think is the hardest for people to keep.

Choose a saint to partner with.

Parents – Ask your kids about this challenge during dinner time and ask if they did it.

Every week, group members accept a personal challenge to apply what was discussed to their day to day lives.

This week:

  • Talk About It! Take a poll in school this week. First, ask students if they can name all of the Ten Commandments. Second, ask them which Commandment they think is the hardest for people to keep.

  • Choose a saint to partner with

Parents – Ask your kids about this challenge during dinner time and ask if they did it.

The Scrapbook



  • Go to this website:
  • Select our parish by entering the postal code for St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish in the
  • “Find your parish” box  : H4B 2A7.
  • Click on the ‘next’ button.
  • Enter your own personal name and email address and click the “sign up” button.
  • You are now logged into the Formed Platform.


If you have any question or concern, please reach out to us at [email protected]