The Camino:
A spiritual journey for adults
The Camino, or Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), is an opportunity for people to learn about the Catholic faith and enter into full communion with the Catholic Church.
The itinerary
The Camino is a guided conversion process by which non-baptized and baptised adults (18+) are fully initiated into the Catholic Church.
It is a journey that takes 7 months to complete and begins with Alpha.
Step 1: Alpha
At St. Ignatius, Alpha takes place weekly on Wednesday evenings from September to December (other options may be available).
Step 2: Trek to Easter
After Alpha, we will meet weekly (on Tuesdays) to prepare you to receive the Sacraments.
Step 3: Receiving the Sacraments
At the Easter Vigil, the adults will receive their sacraments and be fully initiated into the Catholic Church
Step 4: Go and make disciples
Once the Camino journey is completed, other even more exciting journeys await.