Happening in living rooms all around Montreal.

Gather a group of friends to eat, discuss, and pray. In a word, grow!

Small Groups are get-togethers of 4 to 12 people happening all around Montreal, pursuing genuine community and spiritual growth together.

Your group could meet weekly or bi-weeky for about 1.5 to 2 hours. 


What to expect?

A small group gathering might look like this

Eat & Hangout




Form a small group

Who do you already know that you’d love to hang out and grow with? Ask them to start a Small Group with you.

Why small groups?

Authentic community

Life is better together. Find a place where you can let down your walls and be truly accepted by others. Find your people. 


Spiritual growth

Growing spiritually means becoming a better lover of others and of God. Become a more patient, kind, understanding, and all around better version of yourself. 


Love your small group

To have the best small group, be the best group member.

People love their small groups when they are safe, authentic, honest and vulnerable. These things require consistency, and commitment. Early on, every group will discuss these key decisions: how often will we meet, and for how long will we remain committed and consistent? 

People love their small groups when they feel like they belong. Belong to your group by contributing. Pitch in by making the gatherings a priority, bringing a dish, or offering to help. 

People love their small groups when they are more than just the regular gatherings. Attend Mass together, serve together, get out there and do something fun!

Love your small group

To have the best small group, be the best group member.

Frequently asked questions

Who should I invite to join my Small Group?

You’re looking at them! Your Alpha table is the best way to start a new Small Group

What if I would like to join another group?

Sure! Let your host know who you’d like to join

What if I want another friend to join our group?

The Small Group needs to decide whether they’re ok with that first

Do they have to be Christian?

No! Like at Alpha, everyone is welcome

Am I making a lifelong commitment to be a part of a Small Group?

No, you are invited to give it a try for an agreed upon time

Can we be flexible in terms of when and how often we meet?

Yes, your Small Group will decide when and where you will meet.

Can we take breaks during the year for the summer or other holidays?

Yes, if your group wants and chooses to!

What if I am chosen as the leader and have never led this type of group before?

It’s easy peasy. We will supply all video content and discussion questions. You just need to organize the meeting.

Will I have support if I have any questions?

We will supply a coach to support you

Will we meet in-person or online?

While it is strongly recommended to meet in your homes, do what makes the most sense for your group.