News, Blog, Updates

Stay up to date with video and written messages from our pastor and staff. News updates will be posted here to help you navigate church and life while we experience this new ‘normal’ of social distancing. 

July 3: A Tale Of Two Churches

July 3: A Tale Of Two Churches

“In modern times we can’t assume people will walk by our churches and care about what is going on inside, let alone want to come in. We need to be outside our churches engaging with the world. The methods we used in Christendom need to be re-thought because we do not live in a Christian world.”

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June 6: Corpus Christi – The Body of Christ

June 6: Corpus Christi – The Body of Christ

“Online mass, as good as it’s been for us over the course of the pandemic and lockdown, is not the same thing as being here in person to share in the sacrifice Jesus makes, to share in worship and prayer and praise with others, to really be the Church, the people of God and the Body of Christ together, with Him who gives himself so completely to us.”

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May 16: Better Together

“I know God wants us to bear so much more fruit. I know he gives us the power of the Holy Spirit to be with us in bearing more fruit, in multiplying fruit even. But I also know it is so much better together, so much more impactful, and brings so much more glory to God when we all contribute to bearing more fruit, fruit that will last.”

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Holy Thursday:  Why is this night different from all other nights?

Holy Thursday: Why is this night different from all other nights?

“Unless we let Jesus wash us clean, minister to us, and be present to us, and love us, we cannot fully be part of him, his church, or his disciple. Jesus wants us to be ministered to so that we can then minister to others.”

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