October 17th, 2024


See you Thursday!

We are so excited that IgNation starts today!! See you then. Level 1(Grades 4-6) see you at 5pm, Levels 2&3 see you at 7pm.


How does IgNation work?

IgNation is a safe space where you can have fun, build friendship and community, and encounter Jesus alive every week. We have moments to CONNECT, moments to PROCLAIM and DISCUSS, and moments to PRAISE.


What do I need to know for next week?

As you arrive to the church -Level 1 Grades 4-6 start at 5pm, ends at 7pm, Levels 2&3 starts 7pm ends at 9pm- You can enter through the “Paish Hall” entrace, on the left side of the church. If they are walking or coming by themselves, please let us know as we want to make sure that you are safe after finishing the session.


See you Thursday!


Chicken Nuggets


We will go through a two week series about Worship.

The questions we will be asking are:

  • What would your friends say is the most important thing in your life?

  • Do you know anyone who you would say “living to worshipGod” is the most important thing in their life? If yes, what shows you they live for God

  • Read Matthew 22:37-38.

    ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment.

  • What dothese verses teach about how much of your time God wants?

  • How can you remember to make God a part of everything you do? (Hint: Thanking Him often is a great way to start!)

  • How can you tell if something besides God is starting to become the most important thing in your life?
    Idea: If things are distracting you from God instead of reminding you to worship God, they’re becoming more important than God to you.

The Cost

The questions we will be asking are:

  • What is the thing that holds you back from following Jesus more fully?

  • Was there anything in particular that you could relate to?

  • Tell a story of a time when you made a sacrifice to gain something greater. It could be a small or big. Why did you make that sacrifice? What did you gain from it?

  • What would you say to a friend who said they didn’t believe in God because of all the suffering in the world?

  • The key to Catholic doctrine on suffering is that God does not cause suffering. Since God has given us free will – the ability to choose – there will be evil things. But as Catholics we believe that since Jesus, who is God, suffered, he is not distant from our suffering and we can unite our suffering to his on the Cross.

  • Chika shared a quote: “Jesus suffered unto death not that we might not suffer, but that our suffering might be like his.” (George Macdonald) How can our suffering be like Jesus’?

  • Saint Paul calls all things “ trash” compared to what he has gained in Christ. What is something you cherish very much? Why does Saint Paul call even the items we love “garbage”

  • Chika likes to say that what discipleship really costs us is fear, doubt, and sin; that the cost is often something that we don’t need or is not good for us. Why might we be tempted to hold on to those things instead of choosing Jesus?

  • Chika said before that being a Christian does not mean the absence of suffering , but seeking God in our suffering? What do you think that means?

  • What does it mean to deny yourself? What are some healthy ways we can do this in everyday life?


Every week, group members accept a personal challenge to apply what was discussed to their day-to-day lives.

This week:

Parents – Ask your kids about this challenge during dinner time and ask if they did it.

Every week, group members accept a personal challenge to apply what was discussed to their day to day lives.

This week:


Parents – Ask your kids about this challenge during dinner time and ask if they did it.


  • Go to this website:  https://signup.formed.org/
  • Select our parish by entering the postal code for St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish in the
  • “Find your parish” box  : H4B 2A7.
  • Click on the ‘next’ button.
  • Enter your own personal name and email address and click the “sign up” button.
  • You are now logged into the Formed Platform.


If you have any question or concern, please reach out to us at [email protected]